Friday, October 21, 2011

A Serious Case of the Giggles!

What is so funny???  I get the giggles just looking at this new pictures we just received of Nash at 15 months.  I can't wait to see all the things in life that will make him smile.  For now, I can only speculate that Foster mom is standing behind the camera making a funny face.

 I also wonder what he is eating???

Stitches Update- as you can see or in the this case not see, the wound above his eyebrow is healed.  You can barely tell anything ever happened. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This Seat is Saved...a Letter to Nash from Cousin Nolan

Dear Nash,
How are you?  I have been thinking about you a lot lately.  I heard there is going to be a party soon in the honor of you coming home!  I told my mom to tell you mom what all my favorite things are.  You are going to be so happy!  Our auntie and uncle from Kansas sent up this really neat wagon to tear around in and when my mom went to take a picture of me in it, I just couldn't smile.  I will be so happy when we can ride together!  Its going to start getting super duper cold here soon so  I will have my dad winterize it and it will be brand new and ready in the spring for us.  I really miss you and can't wait to play.  I feel like I already know what all your favorite toys will be!  So in the meantime, as your veggies and power up for a great summer!  And remember, I'll be saving you the other seat! 
Auntie Erinn Nolan
Please don't make fun of my hair!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monsters and Stitches

Hello friends and blog stalkers.  It has been a while since my last post.  It's mostly been a while because I don't have much to report.  We put together his 6th care package (I lost count and had to go back and check).  I couldn't decide on whether or not this t-shirt was scary....(Des thought it was cute), and since its Halloween time and all, I decided to go for it.  The toys are bath toys that squirt out water...I'm sure FM will love that.  

This month, we didn't get a scheduled update on Nash, rather we received an unscheduled one.  Our poor little guy had to get 6 stitches because he fell and hit his head.  We will be getting some photos and depending on what they look like, I might or might not share.  The good news is he is fine and by the time they reported the incident to us, he already had the stitches out.