Thursday, December 29, 2011

A year later....and so much closer

A year ago today,  I received a phone call that forever changed our lives.  Today was the day Nash was brought into our lives.

When I received the phone call, I was here! 

This is why I'll forever be a loyal customer. 

I'm a true believer in love at first sight.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lost from the Vault!

I just realized that I never posted these updated pictures.  We got them expectantly last month.  We should be getting another update later next week, too.  Stay tuned....the blog might BLOW up with good news in the upcoming weeks.  I don't want to jinx it so that's all I'm gonna say.....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis the Season...

Tis the season for: (in no particular order) Nash, Jesus, family, eggnog, road rage, joy, stress, friends, holiday music by Wham, and peace.  I have to be honest and say that this year I'm not particular in the festive spirit.  I'll blame it on our snow less lawn.  I'm listening to my new holiday CD (anyone watch New Girl?...Loving Zoey so I bought her holiday CD. )  That is helping my spirit a little.  My thoughts are not far from Nash, and how very soon we'll be united forever!  So...hurry up holidays and bring on 2012!

I promised to show pictures of his room, which is finally finished!  We opted for the toddler bed in hopes it might be more similar to his sleeping ritual than a crib.  Our social worker had to gently remind us that Nash might not like his bed, or his room when he first comes homes, or for many months after.  I'm prepared for that...I wouldn't mind sleeping and snuggling next to my little guy.  We've had 10 years of training of snuggles in bed with Butch 

Merry Christmas to everyone! 

Stuffed Pugs, named Butch 1, Butch 2, and Butch 3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Newsletter- a Larson check-in

It's that time of the year, everyday I get to come home and open up all the super cute holiday cards.   Once again, this year, I have failed or will fail to send out cards to our family and friends.  However, for all of you that follow this awesome blog, this is my holiday card to you.  Big bonus!  You don't have to post it on your fridge for a month.

I know its been a while since my last posting.  I have a few note-worthy updates to report to all of you.
Travel- we got some good intel that we most likely will be traveling in the month of February!  One month sooner than what I was anticipating.  We should hear just after the first of the year that his paperwork is moving.  Just to hear that news....I might have a heart attack with excitement. 
OMG.  February.  Two months away, February.  The month right after January.  It's getting so close and really so hard to believe.   We are close to being ready for Nash to come home.  His room is all set (I'll make that another post) and his closet is fully stocked.  Ok, so the closet has been fully stocked for a while now but my bestie had an awesome shower for me to fill up the remaining necessities.

So to celebrate our last few months as a family of two I coerced convinced the hubby to go on a baby-moon.  We just got back this week from a long weekend in San Diego.  We had an awesome time (see below).  The highlights included surf lessons (yes we both were able to stand for moments!), the world famous zoo, dinning on authentic Mexican cuisine, and acting like tourists.  

Like the only pic. we got of the two of us together.

Pretty sure I would own one of these if I lived here. 

Dang, that water is cold!  (Wimp)

Toured the SS Midway.  Support Our Troops!

Go ahead, say it, "soooooo cute!"
An elephant getting a pedicure!  No joke, they take very good care of the elephants feet to prevent diseases.  The elephant didn't seem to mind at all, he got lots of treats while standing there.

Ok, you're right.  The water is super cold!