Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Nash is four. I can't believe it. So much time has passed since my last post it's hard to know where to start. So moving forward I'm going to stop apologizing for NOT updating and instead just be grateful for when I find the time/motivation to do it.

This month we also celebrated another birthday in our family. Leo turned 2. This birthday was not nearly as much fun. Passing yet another birthday. We still don't know when he might come home. He is growing and developing in his loving foster family. We think of him everyday and can't wait till we finally can be united with him.

Summer is flying by and we are having a blast. Nash is enjoying all the summer fun. Trips to the cabin, bike rides, weekend trips to the farmers market, playing outside till dark, and staying up too late.

Nash is funny, silly, smart, affectionate, social and active. At four years of age he still loves playing with diggers but also loves his rescue bots, pirates, and playing sports. He seems to be enjoying his ice skating lessons and soon will start swimming again. He is fearless. Loves playing with his friends and will make an amazing big brother. We are so proud of the little boy he has become. We can't wait to see what the next year brings. It just keeps getting better.

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