Reality Check. We have been a family of three for over three months! I know time is flying by but part of me feels like we've been a family for so much longer than just 3 months. Never did I imagine that life would feel so settled and routine after only 3 months. I'll try to recap what Nash has been up to since he turned two. Frankly, we've just been busy being a family. I feel Nash is almost fully adjusted to his new weekday life at school. We are lucky that we found a place that has been such a great fit for Nash. Drop-offs are now without tears (unless mama does it), and we've noticed some real positive changes in him since he's started. For one, his language is really exploding, everyday he says a new word. He also seems more calm and patient and having less tantrums, which equal less time-outs. He is more willing to wait his turn or share his toys. These are all qualities I failed to help Nash with when I was home. Partly, because it's easy to not have to share your toys when your an only child or wait your turn when their is nobody else around. I'm not going to beat myself up, maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel less guilty about going back to work but I honestly can say, it's been nothing but positive for us. Sleeping is also going well (I'm writing this on the eve of a whole night w/out waking up!). Getting to sleep seems pretty slick (currently), we have a bath, snuggle and read some books and he lays down to sleep and we leave him to fall asleep on his own. A technique that has really worked for us is "ok, I'll come back and check on you in 3 minutes", (I can thank genius Desirae for this tip). Then you just extend the time each time you check. He is typically sleeping by the second check-in. Most nights he's still waking up during the night, but honestly, I don't mind. It's typically just to get an extra hug, covers, or reassurance we are there.
Nash continues to navigate the waters and paddle his way through swim lessons. I'm just so proud of how far he has come since the first week. We have six weeks left and we just continue to see progress in him every week. He seems to really enjoy being in the water, which can be half the battle sometimes.
I'll say it, this post was FAR from exciting. I look back on some of our older posts when we were in Korea, or about to meet Nash, or when Nash first came home, those were some crazy and emotional times. I'm LOVING LIFE as being a settled, adjusted, and in our little groove. No more huge transitions on the horizon. Crazy to think about, but here we are, just a mere 3 months later, as an everyday, boring family of 3. I LOVE BORING, and it's exactly where we are all happy to be.
Zoo trip with Uncle Paul and Auntie Kara |
Is it a book or a hat? |
Does he not look 12 years old here? Yeesh! |