Today marks six months together as a family of three. I.can' Mostly, I can't believe how much I remember from this past six months (I have an awful memory). How often have six months gone by and you don't remember much? I bet often, and certainly before Nash, there might be years of my life I don't remember much of. I know what your thinking...I remember college. Well, mostly remember college. But over the past six months, I think I've just mentally told myself, you can never forget this moment, this feeling, this super adorable thing that Nash is doing, etc. Of course, you can never remember everything. It helps to write things down (opps, I didn't start filling out Nash's baby book till month no. 3...sorry, Nash. Mama does not really remember your first word, but I'm pretty sure it was apple).
I spend a lot of time blogging about the families goings-on. And really not much about Nash...himself. So, here is what he's been up too. I plan to look back at our year anniversary and see how everything has yet again changed.
Nash continues to be a curious, independent, active, spirited, bright, inquisitive little boy. He loves to play with trucks, read books about trucks, and talk about trucks (scoopers, diggers). His language skills over the past month have exploded. He will repeat everything you say, and say anything you ask him too. Common sentences now include "where'd daddy go", "mommy I did it!" or "more mommy please". His coordination and balance amaze me. The kid runs everywhere, rides a 3 wheel scooter, pedals with authority on his big-wheel and climbs anything that is in front of him. Speaking of balance, he loves to walk around in my high-heels. He can walk down stairs with them better than his mama (see below for proof). He is also freakishly strong. Lifting a gallon of milk and carrying around his ride-on cars. He loves to read books before bed and is learning his colors (red, blue, green, yellow). Nash is very social and continues to love school. He came down with a fever this week and he cried for 1/2 hr. the morning we told him he couldn't go. A mother's dream, right?
Of course, over the past six months I'm also reminded of the challenges of parenthood. Balancing motherhood with a career, finding time for date-nights (we've been averaging about once a month, pretty happy with that). And just being a parent of a two-year-old, which is hard navigating these unknowns for the first time.
I know I'll blink and it will be six more months gone. Poof, just like that.