Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nash & The Tantrums

My sister was just tell me, "you need to blog!"  Finally something to blog about!  Today we received a year progress report on Nash!  He is doing great!  Or as great as you can tell from a one page report.  I was not expecting it so it was a wonderful surprise.  Ok, down to the dets.
  • walks without support or one or two steps
  • says "No" meaningfully
  • says "Umma" or mamma
  • displays frequent tantrum behaviors (gulp!)
  • turns pages of a book
  • puts 3 or more objects in a container
  • follows simple errands
The report is from today, he is still weighing in at 23.5 lbs, takes a few naps a day and they say he sleeps through the night.  The last comment states he's an active boy and doing well.  I'm not going to worry about the tantrum behaviors....I've yet to meet a kid who does not occassionally melt-down.  Our social worker hinted that we might also get some additional pics....I'll try not to get the hopes up but will post them if we do!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got this information! Nash sounds like he is doing well. Our pictures came soon after this update so I hope you get some soon!!
