Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nash a Badger? We'll think about it.

For Memorial Day we heading to Madison to visit Bret's family.  We don't want Nash to be confused about where is loyalties are so lets lay it on the table.  Nash will grow up to be a Gopher fan and a Packer fan.  We are all forced following Bret's lead on this one.  Bret grew up in Madison but attended the University of Minnesota.   So, he kept his love for the Pack and grew to love the maroon and gold.  However, if Nash wants to attend UW-Madison, I would not object.  The campus is beautiful, the students have passion for the school and the education is not bad either.  He could be close to grandparents and they could keep an eye on him.  Enough about college already!  I'm not ready to really start thinking about that yet (note to self, get college savings fund paperwork in order).  Nash got the chance to meet a lot of new family members and friends this past weekend.  We had a blast and can't wait to return very soon.  Thanks to everyone in Madison for the showering of love (and gifts) for Nash.

Cousins!!!!  (Look out Abby, Nash wants to dive on your head)

Fun with Grandma Sandy

More Cousins!!!!  Don't you love the enthusiasm?

The Larson Men
(Grandpa Barry)

This is as good as it gets for a picture of the three of us.
UW-Madison Campus

Monday, May 28, 2012

New Friends

I'll admit I have a problem.  I totally blog stalk people.  What is blog stalking?  It's when you follow someones blog that you don't know.  Pretty sure I might not be the only offender but blog stalking for me, has truly been a blessing.  And I'm so thankful that so many mom's out there have not decided to make their blog "private".  So if your blog stalking me, I don't mind!  I'll take all the fans I can get.  Through this little blog, I've been able to connect with other mom's in the adoptive community, and now Nash gets to join in the fun.  This play date was brought to you by my blog stalking skills.  Before we headed to Korea, Heidi and Jason and her adorable son Henry agreed to have dinner with Bret and I. They graciously answered all our questions about the process and what to expect when we traveled.  Along with Henry, Heidi and Jason are waiting to bring her their beautiful daughter, Claire, who is only months younger than Nash.  When we traveled to Korea we brought over a care package for Claire.  Well, we finally got the boys together for their first play date.  Henry was so adorable about sharing all his toys with Nash.  I've noticed when Nash is around kids his same age, most of the time his play is parallel, but by the end, Henry was practicing his big-bro skills, showing Nash how to work all the cool sand toys and giving him big pushes on the swing.  We are praying that very soon they get the call to finally bring Claire home.  Pretty sure Nash is going to have googly eyes for Claire, she is too cute.

Nash trying to make a break for it with Henry's toys.
Does Nash look huge here or what?

H2O Break

Big push!

Are they the cutest or what?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Fun- Pools, Pizza and Ugh oh

Wow, where is the time going?  It's been a while since I've last posted.  Nash is in full on summer fun mode.  The weather has been beautiful and we've been soaking it up every chance we can.  We've been home for 6 weeks now.  We've come so far in such little time.  Here is a little update on how things are going.  Nash is sleeping in his little toddler bed pretty well, most nights (*footnote* accept when: he's too hot, too cold, is thirsty, wants his toy car, wants to read another book, wants his bug light one, get the picture).  He takes one nap everyday around noon for about 2 hours.  His bedtime is 8:00 and typically will sleep until 7:00 a.m.  We stay with him at night until he falls asleep but then sleeps by himself most nights.  He seems bigger to me, more boy, less baby.  He is starting to say some English words but seems to understand most of what we say to him.  His favorite word right now is "ugh-oh".  He is also getting better about trying foods, most of which he is still turning his head up but last night he surprised us by wanting to eat most of Bret's Smashburger. Dad was both proud and sad that he had to share so much of it.  

Last night we had our first professional photo session, I can't wait to see and share all the moments.  Nash was in full out boy mode and wouldn't stand still for even 2 seconds but hopefully with her fancy camera lens she was able to capture some cute moments.  In a mere 6 more weeks I'll be returning to work (GULP).  I'm not ready to talk about that too much right now (sniff sniff).  Soon we are staring our mommy and me swimming lessons as Foss and starting a toddler art class at our local community education.  Today, we also had a fun play date with Henry...more about that next time!

Soaking up the sun

Pool Time!

Giving Charlie a ride

Pizza at Lola's!  Our favorite.

Another bite!  FYI- they now have 2 Korean pizza's on the menu, DELISH

Self Portrait fun at the computer

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012- times three

My first mother's day.  I'm sure all you mom's out there remember your first.  It was a fantastic day.  Woke up at 8:30, yes, you read that right.  EIGHT-THIRTY!  No, Nash did not sleep in till then but fabulous husband woke up with him and let me catch some extra z's.  Fabulous husband also fetched my favorite bagel sandwich and a extra large cup of Joe from my favorite place.  We spent the rest of the day playing outside, hanging out with Grandma Sandy and planting flowers for the season.  It was an amazing day.

Nash is one lucky boy.  He really has three mom's to celebrate on this day.  Birth mom, foster mom and me, his forever mom.  Lucky for Nash, he only has to listen to one tell him what to do on a daily basis.  In a way of honoring his first two mom's, I thought we could make a tradition of planting a new plant or flowers to remember them each year on this day.  I feel so lucky to be able to be Nash's forever mommy, none of which would have been possible without the love these two amazing women had for Nash.  Nash is already taking special care of our new plant. 

Nash giving our mother's day plant some TLC

Grandma Sandy!

Playing with his new water table.  
Drive Through Car Wash

Fun with Daddy!

Yummy.  Chocolate Bananas with Henry

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Back to My Roots!

Today, we've been together one month.  I have to be honest, it seems like much more than that.  I'm starting to feel comfortable being a mom.  Not that I don't constantly think about if we are giving Nash everything he needs to grow up to be a well adjusted and deliriously happy person, it's just that I feel like our family is getting into a groove.  We had a wonderful time in Duluth visiting my family.  Duluth really is an awesome place.  I felt like a kid again showing Nash all the fun things I did growing up.  I have such fond memories of tossing endless amounts of rocks in Lake Superior, watching the big boats come through the lift bridge in the Duluth canal and dining at Grandma's restaurant.  What a special experience to finally be able to share all of this with my son.  We still have so much to explore and can't wait to get back soon.  I think he enjoyed it, although I'm not sure what I have to do to get this kid to smile for a picture!!

Nash, Grandma, and random homeless person

So many rocks, so little time.

Ahoy, bringing in the SS Butch at the Duluth Aquarium

Totally does not count as first fishing experience,
but fun nonetheless and no life jacket required.

Water toys! Water toys!  Water toys!

Parents visiting the aquarium.  Bring an extra change of
clothes because these water bibs are worthless.  Your child will  get soaked.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

22 Months! First Family Experiences

Hard to believe that we've been a forever family for close to 4 weeks.  Also hard to believe that our little guy is 22 months.  Every day, we are still learning so much about him.  We are learning about what makes him happy (being outside), about what makes him sad (having to come inside).  Since becoming a family, I've really relished in all our "first" experiences with Nash.  Of course, we missed a lot of his first milestones.  His first step, first tooth, first word.  I really meant to ask foster mom about all of these but I forgot (even though I totally had them written down to ask).  Instead, I've been looking to the future and living in the moment.  It seems like everyday we experience a new first with him.  His first haircut (which he did beautifully, it's a little short but nonetheless pretty cute), the first visit to the zoo, first trip to the library, first visit to my work, the first time he met Grandma Bev and Grandpa Barry, the first time he cried for us, the first time he slept through the night (YES, lets repeat this first over and over).  And yet another first tomorrow, Nash and I are heading on our first road trip to visit my family.

Random pictures!

Fast Best Friends!

Self portrait

Silly head

Rare moment of R&R
Play date with Simon.  Hitching a ride on the cab.  

Having Bulgogi at the Festival of Nations with crazy eyed daddy! 

Enjoying some Mandu