Thursday, December 29, 2011

A year later....and so much closer

A year ago today,  I received a phone call that forever changed our lives.  Today was the day Nash was brought into our lives.

When I received the phone call, I was here! 

This is why I'll forever be a loyal customer. 

I'm a true believer in love at first sight.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lost from the Vault!

I just realized that I never posted these updated pictures.  We got them expectantly last month.  We should be getting another update later next week, too.  Stay tuned....the blog might BLOW up with good news in the upcoming weeks.  I don't want to jinx it so that's all I'm gonna say.....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis the Season...

Tis the season for: (in no particular order) Nash, Jesus, family, eggnog, road rage, joy, stress, friends, holiday music by Wham, and peace.  I have to be honest and say that this year I'm not particular in the festive spirit.  I'll blame it on our snow less lawn.  I'm listening to my new holiday CD (anyone watch New Girl?...Loving Zoey so I bought her holiday CD. )  That is helping my spirit a little.  My thoughts are not far from Nash, and how very soon we'll be united forever!  So...hurry up holidays and bring on 2012!

I promised to show pictures of his room, which is finally finished!  We opted for the toddler bed in hopes it might be more similar to his sleeping ritual than a crib.  Our social worker had to gently remind us that Nash might not like his bed, or his room when he first comes homes, or for many months after.  I'm prepared for that...I wouldn't mind sleeping and snuggling next to my little guy.  We've had 10 years of training of snuggles in bed with Butch 

Merry Christmas to everyone! 

Stuffed Pugs, named Butch 1, Butch 2, and Butch 3

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Newsletter- a Larson check-in

It's that time of the year, everyday I get to come home and open up all the super cute holiday cards.   Once again, this year, I have failed or will fail to send out cards to our family and friends.  However, for all of you that follow this awesome blog, this is my holiday card to you.  Big bonus!  You don't have to post it on your fridge for a month.

I know its been a while since my last posting.  I have a few note-worthy updates to report to all of you.
Travel- we got some good intel that we most likely will be traveling in the month of February!  One month sooner than what I was anticipating.  We should hear just after the first of the year that his paperwork is moving.  Just to hear that news....I might have a heart attack with excitement. 
OMG.  February.  Two months away, February.  The month right after January.  It's getting so close and really so hard to believe.   We are close to being ready for Nash to come home.  His room is all set (I'll make that another post) and his closet is fully stocked.  Ok, so the closet has been fully stocked for a while now but my bestie had an awesome shower for me to fill up the remaining necessities.

So to celebrate our last few months as a family of two I coerced convinced the hubby to go on a baby-moon.  We just got back this week from a long weekend in San Diego.  We had an awesome time (see below).  The highlights included surf lessons (yes we both were able to stand for moments!), the world famous zoo, dinning on authentic Mexican cuisine, and acting like tourists.  

Like the only pic. we got of the two of us together.

Pretty sure I would own one of these if I lived here. 

Dang, that water is cold!  (Wimp)

Toured the SS Midway.  Support Our Troops!

Go ahead, say it, "soooooo cute!"
An elephant getting a pedicure!  No joke, they take very good care of the elephants feet to prevent diseases.  The elephant didn't seem to mind at all, he got lots of treats while standing there.

Ok, you're right.  The water is super cold!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Much to be Thankful for…

Thanksgiving is a good time of the year to count and remember all your blessings.  This year, we have so much to be thankful for.  We are happy, healthy and getting so close to bringing our little boy home.  Along with the new pictures, we also received a written update on Nash.  He is doing so well!  We received a lovely letter from our Korean social-worker, Ms. Hwan.  She wrote a lot in detail about Nash’s life at 16 months.  

What has Nash been doing?  In no particular order:

Walking and running really well.  He is very independent and likes to climb stair using a railing (not using the help of any one's hand).
He loves to roam around in wide open spaces, exploring and touching all things new.  He has no time for piggy-back rides or rides in strollers.
Loves to eat noodles and rice, and fruit is his favorite.
Likes to get his way (I mean who doesn’t?)  I guess when things don’t go his way he likes to let Foster mom know by crying so hard he almost faints.  Yes, that is what the letter said.  I’m hoping that information got lost in translation!
Likes to stack blocks, babble and mimics his foster family.

Time really is moving fast.  And I’m sure the holidays will be no different.  Thank you all for your thoughts and well wishes.  Have a great Thanksgiving!  And just remember to count all of your blessings, too.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Was Picasso ambidextrous?

I love the 6th of every other month.  Why do you ask? Because it typically has meant updates on Nash!  (Ok, I know today is the 7th but yesterday was a Sunday so that does not count).  We got these three adorable new pictures of Nash showing off his artistic skills, using both hands no less!  I have to say, I really loves these pictures of him doing an activity (note to self to pack that little elpha-etsy sketch for the plane ride!).  Here are a few of my motherly observations (in no particular order).
1. OMG, that hair.  Totally already stressing about who I'll let cut it.  His hair is so amazing that I'm thinking I can keep it a little longer and have lots of fun styling it vs. the typical buzz cut.  I guess I'll have to keep tabs on the Biebs to see what the hair trends are for boys.
2. He is looking so independent.  Sitting all by himself at the kids table.  I hope this does not mean that I won't get any cuddles. 
3. Is he right handed or left?  He is going to keep us guessing!
4. I think he is wearing nail polish.  I'm anticipating the next updated pictures he might be wearing bows in his hair?  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  Too funny.
5. He is 16 months!  Just crazy.  We probably won't get another update until January.  But I keep thinking, January!!!  Which means we will be so close to travel that it might actually be our last update.

Right Handed Skills.
Left handed skills

Deep in thought about his next inspiration.

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Serious Case of the Giggles!

What is so funny???  I get the giggles just looking at this new pictures we just received of Nash at 15 months.  I can't wait to see all the things in life that will make him smile.  For now, I can only speculate that Foster mom is standing behind the camera making a funny face.

 I also wonder what he is eating???

Stitches Update- as you can see or in the this case not see, the wound above his eyebrow is healed.  You can barely tell anything ever happened. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This Seat is Saved...a Letter to Nash from Cousin Nolan

Dear Nash,
How are you?  I have been thinking about you a lot lately.  I heard there is going to be a party soon in the honor of you coming home!  I told my mom to tell you mom what all my favorite things are.  You are going to be so happy!  Our auntie and uncle from Kansas sent up this really neat wagon to tear around in and when my mom went to take a picture of me in it, I just couldn't smile.  I will be so happy when we can ride together!  Its going to start getting super duper cold here soon so  I will have my dad winterize it and it will be brand new and ready in the spring for us.  I really miss you and can't wait to play.  I feel like I already know what all your favorite toys will be!  So in the meantime, as your veggies and power up for a great summer!  And remember, I'll be saving you the other seat! 
Auntie Erinn Nolan
Please don't make fun of my hair!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monsters and Stitches

Hello friends and blog stalkers.  It has been a while since my last post.  It's mostly been a while because I don't have much to report.  We put together his 6th care package (I lost count and had to go back and check).  I couldn't decide on whether or not this t-shirt was scary....(Des thought it was cute), and since its Halloween time and all, I decided to go for it.  The toys are bath toys that squirt out water...I'm sure FM will love that.  

This month, we didn't get a scheduled update on Nash, rather we received an unscheduled one.  Our poor little guy had to get 6 stitches because he fell and hit his head.  We will be getting some photos and depending on what they look like, I might or might not share.  The good news is he is fine and by the time they reported the incident to us, he already had the stitches out.   

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Halfway Home?

So according to my poor math skills rough calculations, we are about half-way through our wait.  We are still anticipating that we will be traveling in late February or early March.  We did receive a little update from our agency last week regarding how much notice we will now receive prior to traveling.  It will be about 1 WEEK!  I know, crazy right.  Thankfully, my employer now knows and is very supportive.  It's not ideal from a planning perspective but we will roll with it.  I'm pretty sure sometime in early January I'll have my bags packed and ready to go (just in case!). 
Here are few more pictures we received from his 14 month update.  Looks like he's already demonstrating stellar oral-hygiene skills, Auntie Erinn would be proud.

Now only if he would show us his teeth!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What happened to my chunky monkey?

We got an update for Nash at 14 months yesterday!  Yea!  He is doing great, looking a lot thinner than some of the previous pictures but still as cute as ever.  I'm sure he is a very busy boy.  We love you Nash, thinking of you always.

Growing up so fast.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Special Delivery for Nash

My bud Steph, will be traveling like ANY DAY to Korea to bring home her son, Ethan!  I'm bananas excited for her and her family.  (Side note, can't stop using or saying the word bananas, drives Bret nuts...not so worried because he does not read the blog.)  She graciously offered to take a package with her for Nash.  She has already been a great friend and resource for all my strange and obsessive questions about the process.  She also promised to take a zillion, yes zillion photos of Nash if she were to see him at the agency.  Trying not to get my hopes up on that one!  This will be the THIRD trip to Korea for her and her hubby.  She is a total pro.  I can't wait to meet Ethan, and her other kiddos.   Safe travels, Steph and Jamie.

How cute is Steph? Or and the stuff we are sending Nash?  I would be smiling that big too if I was able to travel to bring my son home!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Not Wednesday's- How do you hold these?

Ok, how do I master theses?

With lots of practice.  I realized when Bret and I went for Korean food this past weekend, that neither of us really know how to use them!  By the time we travel to Korea, you'll be able to call me Danielson!  Get it?

Bret struggling with his set but too embarrassed to ask for a fork (and by the fact that he saw a six-year old using them masterfully, I think his pride kicked in).  Needless to say, you certainly don't eat as much when you have to use them.  AH HA!  The chop-sticks diet.  Genius!  

Add caption

Oh, and I'm looking forward to putting together my fall wardrobe. Currently, I'm loving the lady like blouses, animal prints, lace and flared jeans.  How pathetic that I'm already thinking about what I'll wear the first time I meet Nash.  I think a cute wrap dress, tights, and tall boots would be lovely?! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can you say eollugmal? A special present for Nash and us!

Don't worry, I can't really pronounce it either.  Its zebra in Korean.  We received a very special gift from super nanny guru, Dharma.  Dharma not only know about kiddos, she knows about kiddos whose second language is English.  She gave us a beautiful set of books, with all the Korean words and pronunciations attached to each page.  I can't even imagine how long it took her to put this together for all these books!  She also gave us the English and Korean version of one of my favorites!  I heard a rumor that Dharma had one of her kids mom's bring it back from Korea.  Hubs and I were overwhelmed by this thoughtful gift.  Dharma also reassured us that the kids she works with, pick up on English very quickly.  I'm not overly worried about Nash catching on, rather, I'm more worried about him always feeling connected to his birth language.  I think this is a great first step and know these will be some of our favorite reads!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Say Cheese!

Hooray!  In the mail yesterday, we received beautiful prints of Nash in his hanbok!  We couldn't be more grateful for these pictures and can't wait to display them in our house.  He must really love his hanbok, these are the first pictures we have of him smiling.  I'm obsessed with his teeth or carrot eaters (as my hubby calls them).  At this moment, life is good.

I just love the colors!  FM has good fashion sense.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Old McNash Had a Farm...

This weekend, we put together Nash's 4th care package.  I think now that he is 1, he no longer goes in for monthly check-ups at the adoption agency in Korea.  So, that means, the next time he visits to pick up his packages will be September.  I bought these items for his care package about a month ago, I hope he can still get use of the shorts.  Oh, I can't believe this is the first Twin's item we've sent!  I just thought these little farm animals were so cute.  The heads and the legs can be twisted and moved.  The best part, they are small and I could fit all of them in the package.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nash & The Tantrums

My sister was just tell me, "you need to blog!"  Finally something to blog about!  Today we received a year progress report on Nash!  He is doing great!  Or as great as you can tell from a one page report.  I was not expecting it so it was a wonderful surprise.  Ok, down to the dets.
  • walks without support or one or two steps
  • says "No" meaningfully
  • says "Umma" or mamma
  • displays frequent tantrum behaviors (gulp!)
  • turns pages of a book
  • puts 3 or more objects in a container
  • follows simple errands
The report is from today, he is still weighing in at 23.5 lbs, takes a few naps a day and they say he sleeps through the night.  The last comment states he's an active boy and doing well.  I'm not going to worry about the tantrum behaviors....I've yet to meet a kid who does not occassionally melt-down.  Our social worker hinted that we might also get some additional pics....I'll try not to get the hopes up but will post them if we do!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

First Birthday Photo and Update!

We got a few first birthday photos!  He is with our birthday care package we sent.  At one year he weighs 23.5 lbs and is 30.7 inches tall.  I can't get over that hair!   What a wonderful surprise. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A birthday celebration for Nash in Korea and at Home.

One year ago today (July 6, 2010), halfway around the world, our first baby was born.  I think of Nash everyday, but today on Nash's first birthday, I'm thinking about the birthday celebration his FM might have planned for him.  A Korean birthday celebration known as dol.  The dol celebrations includes prayers, dressing Nash in his ceremonial dress (known as a han-bok), and perhaps participating in a Korean custom known as doljabee.   Oh I hope to see pictures of this oneday.  This ceremony blesses the child for a prosperous future and places objects in front of him for him to choose that would tell Nash's future and what career he might have.  Some items and examples might include a book or paintbrush, which if chosen would represent a scholar, food represents a government official, etc.  I'm sure if hubby was placing objects in front of him he might be pushing the soccer ball towards him.  I know he is surrounded by many who love him and have done everything possible to make this day special for him.  When we meet his FM, I'm going to remember to ask her how they celebrated this day, so I can tell Nash stories when he is older.
At the cabin, we had our little celebration for him, along with the July 4th birthday girls.  And check out the blog next year, for Nash's 2nd birthday, because I might already be planning a roaring party in which ya'll are invited!

Reagan and Julie, both July 4th babies!
Thanks for the cake Auntie Erinn!

I think Nash will fit in perfect with this crazy group!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Its almost July???

For the first the since Nash has entered our lives, time is moving somewhat fast.  I think it might be because its summer, or the fact that for the past week we were on vacation.  So, I've been thinking.  I think I should just be on permanent vacation until we get the travel call!  Oh wait, I'm not rich and famous although it was hard not to feel that way this past week when we were on vacation in Miami on my husband's company dime.  It was a nice break, from the reality of the long wait and all the obsessing that goes along with it.  The week just few by.  It is always fun to re-connect with many of the people we only get to see once a year at the convention.  Here are a few pics from the trip.  
Anyone recognize this Top Chef Judge?!? 
Deep Fried Apple Pie.  Need I say more.
Company awards banquet
Fun with other spouses!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Surprise Update!

Today, we received the best surprise! Our social worker sent us these pictures that were taken YESTERDAY at his 11 month appointment.  I'm just so thankful and hope all the other mommy's waiting will get an update soon too.  

He weighs 22 lbs and is 29 inches tall. 

I also have six teeth!

I'm ready for my close-up!