Friday, April 27, 2012

Potential Careers

Nash is very fond of our garden hose.  So much so, it got me thinking about potential careers in which he could use a hose of some sort, under each caption is a new potential career.  Although right now, I think he wants to make a career out of not taking a nap.  Ugh!
He could be a Firefighter.  Of course this one is obvious.

He could wash animals at the zoo or the circus. 

Or he could be a child model?  Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the hose,
but look at that face!  Hard to stay mad at him for too long.

He could clean up street chalk graffiti.
He was washing away my beautiful artwork I had created with our color chalk.

He could run his own landscaping business.
Daddy has him well on his way to sharpening those skills. 

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